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Honoring her cousin Sharon’s memory, CLC member Sandie Falco is collecting desperately needed school supplies. AT THIS TIME, WE ARE REQUESTING 3- RING BINDERS, SPIRAL NOTEBOOKS, LOOSE-LEAF PAPER, AND POCKET FOLDERS.
These items can be placed in the designated box in the narthex. Filled backpacks will be distributed to the underprivileged students at Ascension Lutheran Christian School in Gary, Indiana, and also to the children of members and friends of the Christ Lutheran congregation that are in need. Contact Sandie at 708-403-5999 if you have any questions. If you prefer, checks can be written to Christ Lutheran Church earmarked “school
supplies”, and we will do the shopping for you. Please do not write checks to “Sharon’s Angels.”
If your children or the children of someone you know are in need of a backpack filled with school supplies, contact the Church Office at 708-349-0431.