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Vacation Bible School    


By Barb Mazarakos    


School is out and summer is on the way- it must be time for Vacation Bible School! Each year, hundreds of children and their adult leaders converge on the church grounds for a week of fun, worship, and witness and this year will be no exception. This year’s theme is Mighty Fortress, perfect for this 500th anniversary year of the Reformation. The coordinators have been hard at work getting ready to give our youth a wonderful week of celebrating Jesus as we quickly approach the week of June 19.


The committee is once again working under the direction of Nancy Burden to get things rolling. Taking on leadership roles again this year are Kathi Sterling (Missions and Publicity), Linda Day (Crafts), and Natalie Dudek (Teens and VBS central). Many familiar (and a few new) faces will be on staff this year to teach the lessons, recreation, and music portions of the week, all based on 1 Corinthians 15:57- “Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” The committee does all of the pre-event planning, from choosing which curriculum to use (“Mighty Fortress” comes from Concordia Supply) to planning the crafts, ordering supplies, and getting the staff members all trained to handle the excitement of the week. Without these ladies (though men can help, too!) this outreach each year would not be possible. We thank the Lord for the time and dedication of our Vacation Bible School director and committee, as well as all of those who will teach, lead, and listen this year. The impact they have on the lives of those children is everlasting.


**Just a note- as of this writing, there is still a need for 2 additional teachers at the 3 and 4 year old levels. Those teachers would have a class of 10 students along with 2 aides. If your heart is moved to help in this matter the week of June 19-23, please contact Nancy Burden at ndburden@comcast.net **